Friday, November 07, 2008

The Story

Why I'm Leaving Atlanta:

I hit a low about 2 weeks back. A really really really low. I was sick and I realized just how alone I really am here. My employers are great. However, after having some serious talks with them, I have decided that Atlanta is not where I need to be at this time in my life. I don't feel that I can guarantee the emotional and mental stability necessary for this job. I need my family and friends close by for support. Being in Atlanta while the majority of my family is in Michigan is not close enough. Maybe some day I will return to Atlanta but right now I need to be in Michigan.

The Plan for Leaving:

My employers are currently interviewing to fill my position. The rough time line for me leaving is within the next 6 weeks. I have agreed to stay and help them find a new nanny for the little Peanut. I know how important it is to find the right person and I don't want them to rush their decision because I need to leave. Additionally, I have agreed to stay and 'train' the new nanny for 2 weeks. This won't be so much a training situation as a "get to know the routine/house/job/city" situation. I am hoping to be home in Michigan for Christmas, but am mentally preparing myself for the possibility that it might not happen until the new year.

The Cost:

As I mentioned in my last post, it only cost me $100 to move down here. They paid for almost all of my expenses to move to Atlanta. Because I am the one who made the decision to break contract, I am responsible for all expenses incurred while moving back to Michigan. Most of the expenses are minimal, however, there are a few big ones. For one thing, I need a car. For another, I need a place to live which, in the area where I'm planning on moving to, requires first and last month's rent. Then there are connection fees for utilities, gas for getting back to Michigan, food when I first get there, food expenses while traveling, clothes for interviewing at possible jobs.

That is all for now. I have baby laundry to do and bottles to make for tonight. Have a good weekend ya'll.


Blogger Judy said...

Jen, you are right to do this. Being upfront and honest, and following what you know in your heart is the right thing for you and everyone else.


10:26 PM

Blogger Abby said...

Sounds like it's for the best. No sense making yourself sick anymore.

10:52 AM


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