Friday, September 22, 2006

Getting Hit Hard...

I kind of feel like the lady in that commercial about that migraine medicine. The one where she's like "Does anybody else see that huge meteor coming right at us?" Now change the migraine to stress and presto chango, you have a perfect picture of me!

Spanish is kicking my rear end BIG TIME. I got a 76% on my 1st exam. Now I know it's still a C....but a C is, in my mother's words "just not acceptable/embarrassing/disappointing/laziness/all of the above." Yeah, that conversation went well. My other classes are going okay. The biggest issue on the table right now is money. Yes, grand ole green stuff that we humans revolve around because it is basically the essence of our survival. Even though in all honestly, it's funny colored paper with a dead guys picture on it.

So this wonderful colored paper is in short supply around these parts. These parts meaning the apartment I currently reside in with my boyfriend. The small bills are no big deal. Cell phones, internet,'s the rent that's gonna be the breaking point. I can cover my 1/2 of the rent for the month. It's the other 1/2 of the rent that is becoming an issue. The money isn't coming in as fast as we need it to. And I really can't afford to cover the other half of the rent. So that's the bad news....The good news is that the man went and applied for a 2nd job today since his 1/2 of the rent is the half that isn't covered yet.

Now don't get me worng, I'm doing my part to. I'm picking up extra babysitting jobs as often as I can. Even if I don't like the kids or the family, I still do it--at all hours, on any day if I'm not already busy. Which is adding to the stress because I'm more tired now seeing as how I lie awake at night and think about stuff. Especially funny colored paper. K...I guess that's enough complaining for now. I have to go babysit from 5:30-6:00 and then again from 8-midnight. Have a good weekend!


Blogger Judy said...

With all the moving and changing you have both done, it is amazing you guys haven't had to commit yourselves anywhere for a bit! Moving is ALWAYS expensive, and especially when you are trying to pick up jobs to make money to cover living expenses. On top of that, you are trying to finish school, which is no easy task either.

Hang in there. Make a list (haha - there's my personality - I am a total list maker!) and prioritize it for things you need/want/don't need/. Then, sit down and figure what it will take both of you to do to make that happen.

And, a 76 in Spanish is great! Besides, I can tell you in my 15 years since college, no one has ever ONCE looked at my grades. Just the diploma.

10:36 PM


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