My Baby, My Love

Today I said good-bye to my baby, Cameron. My little bug, my bubby, my smiley guy, and the baby who captured my heart since before he was born. I remember when I saw him for the first time in the hospital. His eyes were wide open, taking in the world around him. All bundled up in recieving blankets, just as quiet as could be. I held him and couldn't believe how heavy he was-(almost 10 lbs!). He had a beautiful head of soft, brown hair. I saw him roll over for the first time, I learned how to comfort him, how to put him down while he was sleeping, and how to get him to take a bottle. He developed asthma and I gave him breathing treatments while he sat in my lap and wondered what was going on. Then he began solid foods, thus began the long road of finding out that he was allergic to soy.
I had the pleasure of watching him 4 days a week and I marveled at how fast he grew and developed. He is now 8 months old, is crawling, pulling up, and trying to walk. He loves to feed himself and plays with anything that is not a toy! He likes to snuggle and has me wrapped around his little finger like nobody ever has before. He's got 4 pearly whites in his mouth and has quite the bite!
I will never forget the naps we were able to enjoy in the reclining chair. The way he woke up was so adorable, he would move, stretch, yawn, and whine all before he would finally open up his eyes. He liked his sleep and definately did not like to wake up!
So, my little smiley guy is off to another city, another house, and another sitter. I only hope that the next sitter can find the joy that I found during my 5 months with him.
Good luck my little bubby, I love you.
Aw, Jen, I know you're going to miss him and he'll miss you, too! I guess I didn't realize he was leaving...hope your weekend is good, even though i know this has to hurt a little.
7:20 AM
Aww, how very sweet.
On another note, I dated a girl who called me "bug" a time or five, as an affectionate pet name. I was not a fan. I think it clearly works better when you're eight months old than when you're 30 :)
11:42 AM
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