Tuesday, January 15, 2008


I've been noticing something with my Charge lately. She can't focus very well. I don't mean "can't focus" as in, ADHD or ADD. I mean, when she doesn't know the answer to something, she loses her focus and starts doing other things. Today, for example, we were doing math flash cards. Addition was fine, subtraction is a little bit more troublesome for her. She was doing well and then we got to a hard one. She tried it, got the wrong answer, and I told her "close, try again." in a pleasent voice. Then she started talking to the dog, fidgiting, playing with the other cards, etc.

Any ideas on what to do here? She's very smart and, up until 1st grade, never had any trouble with anything. Now that she's having trouble with something-(not severe trouble, she's still the top student in her class)-she doesn't know how to handle it. How do I help her? I've explained to her that it's okay to have trouble with things. That we'll practice together and we'll keep practicing until she gets it. That doesn't seem to help though, she still gets very uncomfortable when she doesn't get something right away.


Blogger Judy said...

That's not focus, that's perfectionism. I have that. And, I'm not a perfectionist on everything, but that' how I am on the things I demand pefection.

It is a tough battle...set some rewards along the way - little things - and take it in small chunks. Make use of several breaks, and break the task down in to much smaller parts so she can be successful more often. Ugh, it is almost worse than if it were ADHD or ADD, you know?

10:59 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

My oldest is like that sometimes. Maybe try rewarding small successes, like keep a chart and have some sort of prize if she gets more flash cards correct than she did last time. Or make it into a game like "math war" - winner take all?

9:52 PM


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