Saturday, January 05, 2008

A Little Empty Here

Jason went home on Thursday. It feels a bit empty here without him. :( In any case, he's back at school and I go back to work on Monday. Here's a quick rundown of what we did while he was here:

Went tubing at a local recreation area here. It was AWESOME! I hadn't been to this particular hill before and it was so much fun. He got to see some old friends while we were there and we both had a great time. We spent about 3 hours there before we got too cold to continue tubing.

Watched a 6 week old on New Year's Eve so his mom could go out and party with her friends. Seeing how Jason interacted with the baby just melted my heart. The baby and Jason took to each other very quickly and Jason even got a smile out of the little guy :)

Went to Marquette and he met the parents. Both of my parents really like him, in fact, they gave him an open door invitation anytime. We visited my dad and work and Jason and my dad hit it off. My dad showed him the inside of the ambulance and even demonstrated some of the equipment on him. Jason loved it and my dad was thrilled to give the infamous "ambulance tour."

While we were in Marquette my mom and I showed him the historical sites in town. He was absolutely loving every minute of it. I took him to one of the beaches and he found a few rocks to bring home-(he's a geologist).

Other than that we just kind of hung around town, watched movies, saw friends, etc. Overall it was great having him here and like I said at the beginning of this post, it's a little empty without him here now.


Blogger Judy said...

Wow, meeting the parental units!

It is always an odd feeling when someone like that has to leave. School should be starting up for you soon, though, right?

Glad you had a wonderful time!

2:20 PM


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