Saturday, March 29, 2008

Weekend Update

Ignore the title, I'm too tired to be witty. For all those who care, here's an update on the insanity that is otherwise known as my life:

1. I have declared next week to be "Zombie Week." Why? Because I will be spending no less than 50 hours on campus next week. Next week is my official week to run participants through my experiment. 45 of them to be exact. One at a time. Each one takes 45 minutes to run. They are back to back for 8 hours every day. Which leaves me with 15 minutes in between to set up the experiment for the next participant. In my tired-beyond-belief state I forgot to schedule a lunch & dinner break. Crap. Add that to the things I should've done differently list I guess.

2. I have to go grocery shopping. Though I'm not sure how much sense that makes, due to my lack of lunch and dinner breaks next week.

3. I need to do laundry tomorrow. It isn't even a "oh wow, I should do laundry this weekend." It is, "I'm wearing sweatpants, haven't worn socks in 3 days, and have been wearing tank tops even though it hasn't gotten above 40 all week." To my credit, I have been wearing sweaters over my tank tops. However, each of those sweaters has been worn a minimum of 3 times. As a side note, I have 7 sweaters. If you do the math, that's at least 21 days since I've done laundry. Yep, 21 days. But hey, at least I shower every day--which reminds me....

4. The store is another place I NEED to go. Body wash as shampoo just isn't cutting it anymore.

5. Speaking of cuts, I need a haircut. It's been over a year since I've had my hair cut. Yeah, a year. Can we say "split ends"?

6. Goober is gone next week, it's her spring break so she's going to her dad's. Hence the reason I took the entire week-(sans lunch and dinner breaks)-to work on my senior thesis for 8 hours a day. But there's one thing I forgot....

7. I've still got Smiley next week. Double oops. Sure there's time for me to watch him, as college students seem to have this thing with participating in experiments before noon and I watch him in the morning. Yep, way to plan that one out Jen.

8. Planning. Not my forte right now. Given that I ran out of sheets last week I've been sleeping on the couch. I have this thing with sleeping on a bed without sheets.

9. As far as sleeping goes, I've been sleeping on the couch for the past 10 days. Call it laziness, or extreme tiredness, but either way, the couch is my bed right now. Found out something interesting though....the couch is WAY more comfortable than my Sealy mattress. My $1000 Sealy mattress. Go figure.

10. Yes, I do have a $1000 Sealy mattress. No, I didn't buy it. I inherited it I guess. When my grandma moved into my parents house in um...2002, she "needed" this mattress. Then she died, and the mattress was stored. Then I left my ex and moved out, realized I didn't have a bed, and got the mattress. I don't have a frame for it, or box spring, or anything like that. Maybe that's why it's not comfortable. *shrugs* Either way, I don't like the mattress anymore.


Blogger Judy said...

Girl, crazy week for you! We'll see you on the flip side next Friday night, okay?

4:38 PM


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