Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Questioning my Sanity

Maybe a better title would be "questioning my ability" but that sounds a bit too serious and I want this to be a light and funny post. So with that said, onward to the next paragraph my faithful readers!

"Don't let the baby play with plastic bags" -- Heard that one last week from a 1st time parent who I had never babysat for prior to that day. I had multiple sarcastic comebacks running through my head but managed to keep those to myself and just say "OK." The questioning my sanity part? I said "OK" when somebody told me not to let a baby play with plastic bags. I probably sounded completely unintelligent and clueless with that response. She hasn't called back for babysitting...probably for the better though. Wouldn't want to accidentally give her kid a paperclip and show the kid where the outlets are. She never warned me about that :)

"Whatever you do, don't shake the baby" -- Again, multiple sarcastic comebacks here but I bit my tongue and managed with a very weird look to the mother. And no, this was not the same lady as above, this was a different mother.

I know there's more, but those are just to 2 most recent ones. They both happened last week. It was weird. I'm used to parents saying stuff that sounds....odd...but I usually joke about it with them if I've babysat for them before. Call it mommy brain if you will, but generally they don't mean to say it exactly how it sounded. These 2 were kids I had never watched before. But it makes me wonder if I look completely incompetent as a child care provider or if I just come off as irresponsible. But on the other hand, if parents feel they need to tell me THAT kind of stuff, maybe they shouldn't be leaving their kids with me. Hmmm...quite the conundrum batman!


Blogger Judy said...

You know, you would hope people would know you well enough to leave their child with you to not say things like that, but then again...

This is probably why I have never had a babysitter. I want someone who knows my kids and me, that I don't have to say ding-dong things to...

But still, how weird that those things were said. As if a grown person didn't already know that???

3:44 PM


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