Saturday, August 08, 2009

Underwear Freedom

So here's the not so highly anticipated follow up post to my previous potty training post. Something happens to kids when they begin wearing underwear. After 2, 3, or sometimes 4 years in diapers/pull ups they are no longer wearing those bulky things under their clothes. Nope, they are wearing thin underwear. A few things happen at this point:

1. They tend to touch themselves more often. Whether to itch, reposition, or just explore, this is a continuing issue in my class with the kids who have recently graduated to underwear.

2. They rub their private areas on objects. Cots, chairs, tables, and shelves are usual items they rub.

Now here's my disclaimer, least people get the wrong idea or get sent here from a google search. Kids don't do this as a way of masturbation. While scientists and child psychologists do believe that some pleasure is derived from these activities, it is not in the same way that an adolecent would. It's simply a way of exploring for the kids.

Not every child does this though. Some kids do these activities often, some kids never do them, the others are somewhere in between. Some kids do these activities for weeks on end, some do it once and never do it again, again the others fall in between.


Blogger Abby said...

I used to have a daycare in my home and noticed this phenomenon too with just about every kid.

There was this one kid though.... I'm pretty sure it was more than just exploring!

2:15 PM


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