Saturday, September 30, 2006

Look! A New Post!

It's about time eh? This is basically just a little update on the happenings of my way to eventful life :) Enjoy.

-Called my friend Amanda today to see how she was doing. She's pregnant and due in 7 days and I hadn't heard from her in awhile. She informed me that she was the victim of a hit and run accident on Wednesday. She was monitered in the hospital for 4 hrs. afterwards to make sure that the baby was okay. He's fine, she's fine--it's all good. Yesterday she had 4 hours of contractions. Today she had another 3 hours. My first thought was "Oh crap, I haven't gotten her a gift yet." Not only did I not get her a gift yet, I didn't get anything for the baby either....or Amanda's 5 year old son. So it was off to the store I went. I got her a gift card for Bath & Body Works, 2 cute outfits for the baby, and a card for her 5 year old. So keep a look-out for the baby update this weekend, everyone is pretty sure that the little guy is going to be born this weekend.

-We have very little food in the fridge. Peanut butter & jelly sandwiches have become my best friend. Along with string cheese.

-Money is in short supply also. Hence the reason there's very little food in the fridge.

-I have 3 exams next week. I'm going to be a library rat. Maybe someone will leave me some food while I'm there.

-No word on the job thing with the man. He's applied at 2 or 3 places, no calls back yet.

-The man doesn't have enough gas in his car to get through the week.

-The man hates his job, at least that's the vibe I get from him.

-School sucks. Just thought I'd throw that in there.

-The job for me is going extremely well. Monday starts my 12 day work marathon. That includes 2 overnight's + Saturday and Sunday. I love my job, but working that much is definately not my idea of fun. Oh well, it's money...and we need it.

-Went to the bar tonight, neither me nor the man drank anything--that lack of money issue again. We went to see The Darwin Project. They're a band from Petoskey and the man knows the drummer. They're good :) I enjoy their music. One of the few live bands that I actually like.

-I'm dragging the man to a Mozart concert tomorrow night. I'm going for 2 reasons, 1) I've played a lot of classical music. 2) It's extra credit for my music history class. The professor for the class is also the director of the symphony orchestra that's putting on the concert. BONUS!

-As of right now I'm doing most of the cleaning in the house. But that's going to change soon.

-It's cold here. 39 F right now. No heat on in this place yet...again, the money issue.

That's about it. Have a good weekend :)


Blogger Judy said...

Jen! Good to 'see' you! I hope things work out soon for you both work and money-wise.

Good luck on your tests this week - that's three less before graduation, right? :-)

8:09 AM


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