Saturday, February 10, 2007

So it's finally Saturday. I have been looking forward to this day since Monday. :) So why is it that on this particular day, 5-year old girl decides to have a Jekyl & Hyde personality? It was a very long 5 hours today, and quite honestly, I couldn't wait for it to be 1:30 so I could go home and away from all moody/sick children. Now I'm sitting here avoiding my homework.

In other news, aparently 3.5 month old boy doesn't have croup, he has bronchialitis. I would just like to point out that the ER at the local hospital diagnosed him with croup. So I'm still having to give him breathing treatments every 4 hours. He can absolutely not have tummy time and is only allowed limited back time, he hates his swing and carrying him around in the snugli all day is taking a toll on my back. He's currently 17 lbs and 29 inches long. It's not so much the length that's the problem, but the weight is just too much. In addition, he was getting SOOOOO close to rolling over before he got sick, now with no tummy time and limited back time, we're pretty much back to square one. It's frustrating really, but that's life I guess.

My step grandfather isn't doing to well. I don't really understand the whole thing but basically his pancreas is inflamed, his blood sugar is off the charts, and he is orange due to the excessive amounts of toxins in his body. His abdomen is distended and he looks like he's 6 months pregnant. My grandmother has been taken off of all chemo and radiation because she is bleeding somewhere in her GI tract but they don't know where. I think she's going in later next week to be scoped.

It's still snowing here, so I'm off to shovel, AGAIN. Have a great weekend!

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Blogger Tamara said...

Praying for your sanity! Have you thought about a sling for the 3.5? It is supposed to be awesome on your back, don't you read Adventures in Babywearing's blog? I think she has one listed on her site. Bronchialitis is so scary, my baby brother had it and ended up hospitalized a couple of times for it...scary stuff! I am praying for you! I hear the craziness at your end...I feel your pain! :) hope your schoolwork is going well!!!

3:49 PM

Blogger Judy said...

I second the sling - I had a bjorn and it didn't hold a candle to the sling...the sling was SO MUCH BETTER on my back. You can go to and I think they videos you can watch online as to how to use a sling...lots of different ways for them to be in it!

Sorry about your step-grandfather and your grandmother. I hope they have answers and some changes for the better soon.

9:35 PM


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