Thursday, August 16, 2007

10 Reasons...

Why it's pretty darn obvious that I'm a preschool teacher/nanny.

1. I own more children's movies than people who actually HAVE children.

2. Children's books take up more space on my bookshelves than my regular books.

3. All of my low cupboards are baby-proofed.

4. Every fragile thing I own is on a high shelf.

5. I have a Finding Nemo blanket.

6. I have plastic dishes in my cupboard.

7. I almost always have at least 1 carseat in my car.

8. In a given week I can be seen around town with anywhere from 1-6 kids. None of which are mine.

9. I rarely dress up.

10. I keep a container of baby wipes in my car for sticky fingers.

There you have it. Now you know how to pick me out if you're ever in the Upper Penninsula of Michigan :)


Blogger Judy said...

Love your list!

HOpe you are doing well today!

9:58 PM


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