Wednesday, August 08, 2007

The Broken Foot Chronicles-Part I

So my days have pretty much been as follows:

Wake up at some ridiculous hour due to pain killers wearing off-(today it was 4:30 am).

Hobble to kitchen to get something to eat so I can take pain killers.

Take pain killers.

Attempt to shower-(I haven't been able to shave for 3 bathtub in this apt. just a standing shower).

Plop on couch w/ice pack.

Play video games-(Paper Mario, Animal Crossing, Crash Bandicoot, & Luigi's Mansion)

Take more pain killers.


Pain killers.

Video games.

Pain killers.

Video games.

Pain killers.


Repeat from beginning.


I ventured outside of the house yesterday in order to get some much needed groceries. I just have to say, walking with a cane when you're 22 just isn't all. No flirting for me right now. Trust me, I tried. Where is the sympathy guys?

And seriously people, when a lady with a cane and a hand basket is coming down the isle, don't just stand there and stare while your kids are running back and forth through the isle like some kinda ping pong ball....GET THEM OUTTA THE DAMN WAY. After I left the store I felt like making a bumper sticker to put on my ass that reads "Free range children will be poked repeatedly with cane."

I went back to work today. That was erm...interesting. The kid was great, very helpful and very willing to play on her own for most of the day. The dog was the problem, she thought my cane was a chew toy. Stupid, stupid dog.

As a side note, the Dr. in the ER decided not to cast my foot because the bone wasn't completely broken. I cracked the 5th metatarsel. They gave me an ace wrap...and then made me walk to my car after instructing me to "stay off of it as much as possible." Go figure.

That's about it. I'm finally to the point where I can put heat on my foot. So I'm typing this with my foot up on the desk and a heating pad laying on top of my foot. Yes, tis a glorious Wednesday night for me.


Blogger Bone said...

As I recall, getting into and out of the tub was quite a difficult task when I was on crutches :-/

Hang in there.

11:59 PM


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