Tuesday, July 31, 2007

One More Thing

So I've taught my charge the hand signals for the dog, I've got her reading at a 1st grade level, she's 1/2 way through 1st grade math, we're working on spanish together--as well as sign language, and she can now operate the hose by herself when she wants to water the garden. We've made 8 different kind of playdough, made bread from scratch, made our own butter, made fortune cookies, have done numerous science projects, and we've been to multiple museums in the area. Most nanny's would call that a good summer and count their blessings that there weren't more injuries. But not me, oh no no no. I have decided that since there's 4 weeks left of summer, I'm going to take on another project. I'm going to teach her how to ride her bike without training wheels.

Call me crazy, optimistic, a glutton for punishment...call me whatever you want, but by golly she just turned 6 on Friday and she WILL learn to ride without training wheels.

Unfortunately, this isn't going so well. No major injuries so far--of course the knee pads, elbow pads, helmet, and jeans I make her wear probably help with that. She's just not getting it though. She gets about 4 feet by herself and down she goes. She can't stear AT ALL and her balance is pretty much non-existent.

So for those of you out there who have been down this road, how do you do it? I mean, I'll keep working with her but any tips would be GREAT.

Thanks. Will update you on Saturday of any aquired injuries.


Blogger Judy said...

How often does she ride her bike? Experience plays a HUGE part in it, not necessarily age. If her training wheels are adjusted right and she is ready to go without them, you should hear it in the training wheels - times when she's truly balancing on the bike and not slightly leaning to one side or the other for the wheels.

Do you run beside her, pushing her off as you get going faster? Call after her as she goes on her own, "PEDAL PEDAL PEDAL" because with Travis, he always would forget to pedal. They really need to get going pretty fast at first because that's what is going to give her balance. If she's going too slow, she's going to topple right over.

And, it may take a few days. That's okay. With Travis, he picked it up pretty quickly at 5. Tyler will, though, probably be without training wheels before then because he is on his bicycle ALL THE TIME.

Good to have the pads - that is a HUGE plus!

9:13 AM


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