Thursday, September 06, 2007


I came to the conclusion today that I like to feel needed. I like feeling as though somebody, somewhere, sometime needs me to do something for them. However, I don't like to be the one who needs things. That being said, I'm feeling quite un-needed this month for the following reasons:

1. I'm not needed at home. I live by myself & at the end of the day, coming home just doesn't appeal to me. Granted, when I lived with my ex, coming home didn't appeal to me either. It would be nice to occasionally have someone waiting for me when I get home. Someone who is happy to see me just because they are, not because they need me to cook dinner, clean, take the garbage out, etc. etc. etc.

2. I'm only working 3 days a week this semester. This was short notice--as in, I found out yesterday. Now being told that you're only needed 3 days a week is fine. The money thing isn't an issue, but the problem is it could turn into a "I don't need you to work at all" situation. My boss assured me that it's nothing I did, it's just the circumstances right now with her family.

3. I'm not needed for tutoring, group projects, or anything else related to school. I attribute this to the fact that most of my school friends moved away last year after they graduated.

Maybe this is just a new chapter in my life. Maybe I should take advantage of the free time and do something that I want to do. It just feels weird, that's all. In the past 7 years many people have called me when they needed help. I enjoy helping when I have the ability to do so. I never went out and looked for ways I could help, I just helped my friends when they would ask me. Thing is, I had a lot of friends who needed help with a lot of stuff. So now here I am, feeling un-needed. I guess I will be learning to go out and find ways in which I can help others. It's a new direction in my life and quite frankly, it's a little scary.


Blogger Judy said...

I agree with your last thought - maybe this is a time for you to take care of you a little bit more instead of everyone else.

I'm a needful person - I thrive on that feeling of being needed. And, it has landed me in a load of trouble this year - I've taken on too much. So, now I need to back off of a few things, which isn't easy to do. But, taking time for me is just as important. You need to do the same - consider this a sign!

3:47 PM

Blogger Tamara said...

I too THRIVE on being needed. If I don't feel needed, I begin to convince myself I am worthless. Lately, due to random circumstances, I have not been needed as I used to be...I believe in my heart of hearts, God was trying to give me a clue...I need to need Him. Period. He needs to be my Rock and my Salvation and for some reason, it actually resonated this time. Before now, I just blew Him off...nice, eh? So there you go...I found a great website that gives you the Bible online to read on a reading plan it is amazing. You can pick your version of the Bible and the style you want to read in...just my two cents...because of course, it's the only one that matters, tee hee! :)

5:08 PM

Blogger Mali Royer said...

Now, I may be projecting my own desires onto you, sounds like you need to go to the pound and get yourself a dog. Talk about happy when you get home!

If you're not a dog person, a soup kitchen, homeless shelter, emergency room, or classroom probably needs you right now!

8:21 PM


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