Monday, October 08, 2007

Principle Matters

Talked to the principle of my charges school today. Mom's out of town so I'm playing primary caregiver for the next 2 days. I got a call that there was a 'situation' involving my charge. I rushed over to the school to find my charge nearly hyperventilating in the principles office. Then I get this explanation from the principle-(while holding my charge and trying to calm her down):

"Charge said to other child 'my mom says you're rude.' Other child replied back 'I am going to kill your mom with an axe.' Charge told the teacher, the teacher sent them down here to me. They are both-(charge & other kid)-being expelled for the remainder of the week."

Insert shocked look on my face. The conversation continued:

Me-"Why is charge being expelled?"

Principle-"Because she instigated other child."

Me-"By telling him he was rude?"


At this point I'm appalled at his reasoning. I rambled off to him that:

1. She's 6

2. We-(her mother and I)-do teach her to stand up for herself

3. I found it very hard to believe that they were sitting there quietly working on homework and charge just blurted out that other child was rude.

Anywho, I ended up taking charge home for the rest of the day. I gave charge some ice cream to calm her down and popped in a movie because I had phone calls to make. The first phone call was to charge's mother, the second was to the superintendent. He told me that he'd look into it, I ended the phone call by telling him that charge WILL be in school tomorrow. He told me that would be fine--but that because he was allowing her to come back to school, he would have to let other kid come back to school. I thanked him and hung up. The third call was to charges teacher. I made it clear that charges desk is to be moved to another pod, away from other child, until this matter is solved. I also made it clear that I will be dropping by the school to be sure that her desk is moved away from other child's. Teacher blabbered on about how it's too hard to move charge's desk. I told charge's teacher that I would come in at 8 and move it myself if necessary. Charge's teacher said that it would be done before the children arrived. I thanked her and hung up.

I guess in the end, I'm just really pissed. Pissed at the lack of respect I recieved, pissed that charge was expelled because it was the easy way out, and just overall dissappointed with the school system here.


Blogger Judy said...

Sounds to me like the issue is much bigger than two little 6 year olds getting into words...I think it goes much deeper into the system.

3:48 PM


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