Monday, November 26, 2007

The Story of the Difficult Children

4 kids. 3 siblings and their cousin. Ages 8, 7, 6, & 2. The 2 year old was sick. He was sleeping when I got there at 9:30pm. The 8, 7, & 6 year old were hanging out in the 8 yr. old's bedroom watching movies. Since it was kind of a sleepover, and they were all sleeping in 8 yr. old's bedroom that night, I told them that they could watch movies until midnight. I know it's late but they were hyped up of caffiene and sugar curtousy of their parents. Midnight seemed late enough to me.

Parents left at 10pm for a night on the town. 10:15 I hear the 2 year old talking. 6 yr old woke him up. I shoed the 6 yr old out of the room and gave him a warning. Got 2 yr. old back to sleep at 11. He was an ornery little fella and wouldn't go back to sleep. 11:30, yelling from 8 yr. old's bedroom. They were fighting over what movie to watch. They woke the 2 yr. old up again. I laid him back down to see if he'd go back to sleep, he wouldn't. Instead he took off his poopy diaper and played with it. Lovely. I gave him a quick bath, changed his sheets, and cleaned his crib up with baby wipes. By this time it was 12:30. With the 2 yr. old hanging off my hip, I went and got the 3 older ones and asked them to brush their teeth and get ready for bed. That part went fine. I put them to bed. Got the 2 yr. old some juice in a sippy and rocked him till he fell asleep. By the time that was finished it was 1:00am. I checked in on the older 3 & the only one asleep was the cousin. I made it clear to the 6 & 8 yr. old that it was bedtime and I didn't want to hear anymore noise from their room. 5 minutes later I hear fighting. I go back, they're arguing about blankets. I tucked them in again and warned them AGAIN.

Long story short, this went on for another hour and a half. Every time I had to go in there, I shaved off 30 minutes from their bedtime the next night-(when I was also babysitting). The last straw was when the 6 & 8 year old started hitting each other and I heard screaming and crying. I walked into the room and announced that I was extremely angry with their behavior. That they had pissed me off more than ever before and that I was sick and tired of them behaving like brats.

They finally went to sleep at 2:45am. Parents walked in at 3am. I left and thought over and night and just got upset. What I said was not acceptable in any circumstance and I feel horrible for it. Any advice is welcome! Constructive or otherwise. I know I deserve a talking to.


Blogger Judy said...

First of all, it is OKAY for kids to see us angry, and you didn't hurt them or anything, so that is okay. Let them know you are angry with their actions, not them. They definitely need a follow-up talking to! Secondly, no matter how much caffeine those kids had, they needed to be in bed at midnight, the end. I think after the first fight, I would have moved one of the kids to a different area to sleep - another room, the floor of the 2 year old's room, the living room...wherever. Their little bodies were too tired to keep going and be rational about it.

You are NOT a bad caregiver. You are NOT there to be their best friend, either. It is okay to draw the line and let kids know when they cross it. Especially at 6 and 8 years old.


3:11 PM


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