Saturday, November 03, 2007

Where's the Clearance Section?

So I went to 2 stores on November 1st. My goal: To pick up some Halloween stuff on clearance for next year. I do this after every major holiday, it's the cheapest way to load up on decorations for the following year. Every time I've done this there's been a bunch of stuff that's marked down really low, so I can get some good deals. This year it was different though. 2 stores, no Halloween leftovers clearance stuff....anywhere. I did find that the areas in the 2 stores that DID have Halloween stuff, before Halloween at least, were overflowing with Christmas stuff. Now, forgive me here but, I shopped on November 1st. I expected there to be Halloween stuff on clearance. I asked a sales clerk about it, apparently they don't do that here. They just send the leftovers back and start in on the next major holiday. There isn't even Thanksgiving stuff, just Christmas. All Christmas. blah.

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for Christmas..but November 1st? Come on. Couldn't they at least wait until November 2nd to round up all the leftover Halloween stuff and turn their stores into a Christmas eyesore? I'm a little upset about this. I was looking forward to stocking up. I don't have any Halloween decorations yet. I don't buy anything at full price. I count on clearance sales after the holidays.

I'm sad, I'm mad, and I'm still Halloween decoration-less. bah humbug.


Blogger Judy said...

See, and I'm highly hacked off because our stores DO have clearance stuff and I can't get to it because of my JOB(s)!! Ugh!

4:43 PM

Blogger Bone said...

Yeah, I've noticed that phenomenon on several holidays. Even if you go on the day of the holiday, it seems they've already put stuff out and decorations up for the next one.

Hope you had a Happy Halloween anyway :)

11:47 PM


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