Sunday, March 30, 2008

Statements from Goober

This isn't a funny post in any way. If you're looking for funny, go elsewhere, because tonight my heart is heavy with guilt. Guilt over not giving my all to Goober, or Smiley, or Ears-(11 month old I watch on occasion). I've felt this way for awhile, pretty much since week 3 of the semester. I haven't voiced it for fear of looking weak, or pitiful, or playing the victim. But here goes:

I brought this on myself, I thought I could do it all but I have realized too late that I cannot. I cannot put the time, energy, emotion into my senior thesis and still have something leftover for Goober. Smiley hasn't been greatly affected by this as I spent a maximum of 2 hours a day with him. Ears hasn't been affected because I only watch her 3 days a week for 2 hours--and she sleeps for 1.5 hours of that. But Goober has been affected. That's what makes this so difficult to write. I know my faithful readers, and some lurkers, and even some stranger will probably write kind words and tell me that it's okay. That I'm not a horrible person. But I know all of that, and while those words are appreciated, they fall on deaf ears. No amount of words in the world will lift the pain I feel in my heart tonight.

You may wonder where I'm going with this. Well, 2 comments that Goober made to me really brought hte issue to a head. I KNEW I wasn't giving her my all. I KNEW I have been emotionally distant. I KNEW it would only get worse. But I was hopeful that maybe she wouldn't notice. Maybe she would just blow it off. Maybe she would be too involved with the social life of a 1st grader that my lack of effort wouldn't phase her. That, unfortunately, wasn't the case. Here are 2 comments she made to me, verbatim. They stabbed me like a knife:

"Maybe when I get back from my dad's we can start having fun again."


"Miss Jen, I think your heart shrinked like the Grinch cause I don't feel loved like I used to."

I will leave you with that while I head off to bed. Good night.


Blogger Judy said...

Jen - it is a lot like parenting. I can't give it my all, ALL the time. Other stuff is there, too...the bills, the house, my other commitments...and sometimes those leak into my time with the boys.

It is OKAY. It is healthy for them to see that my life is full of interesting things that I do and learn and try. Involve Goober in what you are her what you're doing and why.

The thesis will be over soon...your relationship with Goober sounds like it will be there for a good long while.

11:22 PM

Blogger Tamara said...

I was going to write very similar comments to Judy. I, as a mom, feel this way on a regular basis. What I do want you to know is that the relationship you have with Goober is AMAZING! My children might not tell me when they feel the way Goober feels right now. I am very glad to hear her talking to you about it. I wish my kiddos would do the same!

I am in school also and I am constantly feeling the pull of being a mom and a student and a are doing a great job...and I won't try to remove the guilt...because I understand the not being able to remove it from your heavy heart. I always want to make improvements when I feel this way...

And sometimes I have even been known to wake my oldest girl up at 11pm just to tell her I love her...

11:30 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's clear that she enjoys your time together, otherwise she wouldn't care enough to make these observations. Everyone has ups and downs, you're human, and it's good for Goober to see that too.

10:57 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is hard and i understand how you feel for sure and it is fro sure not funny at all, i wish you the best!

8:49 PM


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