Sunday, August 16, 2009

2nd Verse, Same as the First

Well, not quite the same. Nobody else died--though I would like a strangle a few of them. My family was working on funeral arrangements. They called all of the grandkids, close family members, and other people who wanted to be at the funeral to see when people were available--or at least what days worked best for everybody. The idea was to go with the day that the majority of people could come.

Then the next call I got was to let me know when the funeral was. It's Tuesday morning. So I make a few phone calls to my co-workers and the boss to see if I can have Tuesday off, or switch with whomever has Tuesday off and then they can have my Wednesday off. Nope, can't make it work. Person won't switch with me, boss can't make her. Okay, fine. So I call the family back to let them know I can't be there.

This is where it got ugly. I am now the ONLY family member on that side who isn't going. I'm being called every name in the book. I have turned off my cell phone so I don't have to listen to this crap anymore.

Hopefully after this blows over-(because logically I know it will, eventually)-it will get better.


Blogger Bone said...

Oh dear. I'm so sorry about your grandma.

12:53 PM


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