Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Cough, Cough, Sniffle....

The fall cold has hit me, and hit me hard. Forgive my language but I feel like crap! All I want to do it crawl into bed and sleep for the next 6 hours. I would probably feel worse cold wise but at least I wouldn't feel so tired!

Now I knew that I would get sick soon, it always happens to me. My immune system is weak-(STILL!) and I'm anemic on top of it so the two of them combined = lots of colds. But this was probably the worst possible week of the semester so far to get sick. I have 3 tests this week and I'm working straight from Thursday at 4pm-Saturday at 2pm. It always happens that way doesn't it?

In other news, I'm 1/3 of the way done with my tests this week. I have 2 more on Friday, a written Spanish exam and the essay portion of my Psychology exam. I can't wait for the weekend...even though I have to get up early on Saturday because the child I watch doesn't sleep past 8am. I also have to do laundry and pack for my overnights with her. And I'm out of socks, I have no idea where they went. I think an emergency trip to Wally World is in order.

My friend hasn't had her baby yet. She's very emotional right now so the time is near, she's just frustrated with all of the hours of contractions that she had and still no baby. He's engaged in her pelvis now though so hopefully sometime before Sunday the baby will make his debut.

Not much else is going on here. I'm gonna go drink some tea now and take some vitamins to hopefully help me kick this cold before it gets too much worse.


Blogger Idaho Dad said...

I'm getting over a slight cold too. A couple of years ago I finally figured out something that works for me. When I was younger, if I felt a cold coming on I would drink massive amounts of orange juice and take lots of aspirin and Tylenol. Well, now what I do (all the time, not just when I feel sick) is I gargle with Listerine every night and I take this immune system multi-vitamin from Source Naturals called Wellness Formula. A doctor recommended it to me. Anyway, I've felt pretty good since starting this routine. Maybe it's just psychological, but I'll take any help I can get!

8:35 PM

Blogger Judy said...

Hope you feel better soon - lots of rest (which I know is not easy with tests looming in a day or two), but really, you'll be able to function so much better on better rest!

10:47 PM


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