Thursday, February 28, 2008

Monday Madness

Yes, I know it's Thursday, not Monday. I've been meaning to write this since Monday, just haven't really had time. Anyways, Monday's I now have a 3 1/2 month old AND the 6 1/2 year old. They're cousins. The 6 1/2 yr. old is, obviously, my Charge. Monday is also the night that my Charge has ballet. So, Monday's are now hectic. Here's how the afternoon went:

3:45pm - Pick up Charge from school

4:00pm - We get home, give her a snack, take the dog for a walk

4:30pm - Do homework with Charge

5:00pm - Start dinner

5:20pm - Get dinner on the table

5:30pm - Baby dropped off

5:45pm - Charge finishes eating. Wash the dishes quickly while Charge entertains baby in the living room. Heat up bottle for the baby to eat at dance class. Change baby.

6:00pm - Get Charge ready for ballet

6:05pm - Get both bundled up

6:10pm - Get them both in the car

6:20pm - Get to dance studio

6:30pm - Dance class starts

6:35pm - Feed baby

7:00pm - Baby finishes eating

7:15pm - Charge gets done with dance class. Bundle both of them up again and get them into the car

7:30pm - Get home. Get Charge into her pj's. Get Charge set up with a snack. Change baby.

8:00pm - Baby's mom gets there

8:30pm - Charge's mom gets there

Yeah, can we say STRESS? It isn't so much the business of it, Charge does okay with that. But the baby is usually hungry, wet, and screaming. He's okay if I take him out of the carseat right away when he gets there but as soon as I put him in it he screams all the way to dance class. I'm torn, I know I should be holding him but Charge needs help with her ballet stuff and also she needs help when we get to dance class before she goes in. And no, I don't leave him in his carseat the whole time I'm with him. He comes out of his carseat as soon as he gets to the house and he's in it only in the car and the 10 minutes before dance class while I'm helping Charge.

Anyways, I just needed to vent a little. It was stressful and I was trying to get everything done and I had a screaming baby along with a dawdling Charge. How do you parents of multiple kids do it?


Blogger Judy said...

Tyler was a car seat kid. By the time he made the scene, Travis was already 5 and in piano and baseball. It was just the way it is. Give him something new to occupy his time while he's in there - new teether, a baby mirror, a cloth book...something to fill the time.

7:11 AM


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