Thursday, February 21, 2008

Olivia's Story

This is what we all knew before Olivia was born:

Had a hole in her heart, and had 2 arteries coming from the same chamber of her heart. This means that the one going to her lungs is too small and not enough blood will travel to her lungs to be reoxygenated.

Her stomach did not connect to the esophagus.

Had too much fluid on her brain throughout the pregnancy.

The doctors gave 2 very different outcomes. The first was that Olivia would die shortly after birth. The second was that she would pull through. Nobody was 100% sure because the ultrasounds didn't give them the details they needed to put together a plan.

This is what has happened since Olivia was born full term on Feb. 11th weighing 6 lbs. 4 oz.:

She's on a vent because she cannot reoxygenate the blood correctly. They're saying she shouldn't need open heart surgery until she's 6 months old. Minor surgery is a definate to correct some of the problem but they're not sure when it's going to happen.

Her esophogus and wind pipe fused together and the one tube went to her lungs. Her stomach did not connect to the esophogus. They did surgery 2 days after she was born to correct the fused windpipe and esophogus as well as connect the stomach to the esophogus.

The doctors are saying that she can probably be released in 1 month.

She's down to only 4 IV's now, a stomach tube, vent, and EKG tags.

On February 17th she opened her eyes for the first time!

Please continue to pray for Baby Olivia. She and her family need all the prayers and comfort they can get right now. Her mom and dad are both 21 and she's the first baby for both of them. It's hard being 1st time parents anyways, but to have all of this on top of it is making this a very trying time for them.



Blogger Judy said...

I am constantly amazed at how strong and resilient little kids can be. Olivia sounds like she's a fighter to put up with all of that.

Prayers for the family...

3:46 PM


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