Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Just a Bad Week

Goober has had a rough week. By rough week, I mean being completely out of control and defiant. Monday was by far the worst day I have ever had with her. It was stressful, frustrating, and I was almost in tears by the time her mother walked in the door at 6:30pm. Throughout the day Goober was sassy, breaking the rules, lying to me, kicking the dog, climbing on the furniture, trying to boss me around, whining, copping an attitude, and had pushed the screen out of her bedroom window. Warnings, time outs, talking, taking things away, removing her from the situation and redirecting didn't work. It all culminated at 6pm when I was walking into the kitchen and Goober came running up from behind and hit me. I lost it and yelled. Put her in a time out. I was p-i-s-s-e-d. Mom got home, I told her about the day, and left. Hoping the next day would be better. Then came the next day and....

It started off poorly. Mom and I were chatting in the kitchen. Goober came into the kitchen. I said good morning to her. She rolled her eyes, put her hand up, said "yeah whatever" and kept walking. Mom got on her about that one. The day continued and FINALLY started turning around at about lunch time. The rest of the day was pleasent. But man, what a horrible start to the week.

I'm off for the rest of the week. I am sooooooooooo hoping next week is better. Because if it isn't, it's going to be a very long summer.


Blogger Judy said...

Yikes, Jen! I hope she settles down soon...that's really cruddy for you to have to put up with that.

9:15 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, what's up with that? Is that typical or a change in her behavior? I'd be curious if there's something stressing her out.

1:02 PM


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