Monday, June 30, 2008


Goober is in T-ball this summer. She was given the choice between soccer and t-ball, she refused to make a decision so her mom made the decision for her. They practice on Monday & Thursday's from 4:30-6pm. The first practice was last Thursday, the second practice was today. The first practice Goober pouted through the entire time, then complained about it for the next 2 hours after we got home. The 2nd practice was worse. She refused to participate. When we got there she promptly sat next to me on the bleachers, arms crossed, and flat out told me she wasn't going "out there with those people." I forced a glove onto her hand & made her go. Here's the run down of the evening after that:

1. They practiced fielding ground balls. They didn't expect the kids to catch the ball, they just wanted the kids to try. If the ball went past the kid, they wanted to kid to run after it, pick it up, and throw it back. Each kid was grounded 5 balls. Know what Goober did? She stood there. Refused to bend down to try and get the ball, refused to run after it, refused to pick it up, and refused to throw it back. EVERY SINGLE TIME

2. They practiced running bases. The kids were lined up, single file, had to pretend to hit the ball, then run the bases all the way around. Goober was #4 in line. She got to the front, pretended to hit the ball, then WALKED THE BASES.

3. They practiced hitting. This, she actually did--after I forced a helmet onto her head because she refused to put it on-(I did this with permission from the coaches, I don't usually step in)

The coaches were wonderful with her. Very encouraging, upbeat, they just wanted everybody to have fun. I, on the other hand, wanted to run out there and strangle her for being such a brat. It was embarrassing, to say the least. Currently, she's refusing to talk to me. I sent her to her room when we got home after explaining to her that her behavior was unacceptable and ridiculous. I told her she can come down when her attitude straightens up. That was an hour ago, and she's still not talking to me. 2 more hours until her mom gets home.

Monday's Suck


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you're in a tough position because you're not her "mom", but Mom's not at the practice. Maybe goober is taking advantage of that, I don't know.

10:43 AM


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