Friday, October 06, 2006


I'm tired. I'm staying at the house, of the little girl I watch, this weekend because her mom is out of town. Let's just say the little girl-(she's 5)-hasn't been taking it too well. It's not that she doesn't like me or anything, but I'm not mom and she has never stayed with anyone overnight that isn't family.

Yesterday I got her off the bus and she was happy as a little clam. We had snack and then I got her ready for dance. I went out to my car to put her carseat in it and I came back into the house to her crying at the kitchen table. She was crying because she missed her mom and didn't want to go to dance. I held her and we talked for a little while and she calmed down. I still made her go to dance class-(I know I'm mean)-and she had a great time.

She was fine throughout dinner and then we played one of her favorite board games-(and one of my least favorite)-and she was still pretty happy. I gave her a bath and put her to bed. She went to sleep okay, no crying or whining. I taped CSI for her mom and worked on some homework for class. I turned in about 11pm. I didn't sleep very well, even though I took 1/2 a sleeping pill....I just couldn't get into that deep sleep that you need in order to feel rested. My alarm went off at 6am because the dog had to go out. So I got up and let the dog out, when I came back in the house the little girl was was 6:10. She usually sleeps until 7:15. So she obviously didn't get enough sleep, but was happy enough. We had breakfast and she was very clingy, but not crying. I packed her lunch, dressed her, did her hair-(it's school picture day) and downed 4 cups of coffee before 7:30am. She got to watch cartoons, which she was thrilled about, because we had 45 minutes left before she had to be at school. I dropped her off at school and took my 2 exams at the university.

Now it's 12:30 and I'm whipped. I feel like I could sleep for another 6 hours, but I have to go pick her up at 3:30 and I have a meeting with the head of the psychology department at 1:00 in addition to having to let the dog out at 1:30. I'm hoping that she handles tonight okay without her mom because I don't know if I have enough energy to handle her tonight without her mom!

Okay, I'm done now.


Blogger Judy said...

Hang in there! She will probably have a much better time tonight since the first night is behind you!

2:37 PM


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