Tuesday, December 05, 2006

The Vet Visit

So Anikan had his first visit to the vet today. He was not a very happy bunny afterwards either. He's been following me around the house since we got back. I don't know if bunny's can have attachment issues, but if so...I think Anikan has one. :) The good news is that he doesn't have pneumonia, the bad news is that he is sick and I have to give him medicine twice a day for a week. It's liquid, and I have one of those little dropper things to give it to him with, but it took me 30 minutes to get 40 ml of medicine into him, and then he chomped down on my hand and hid from me for almost an hour. This should be a fun week, I can't wait until he's better.

In other news, I got into a baking mood tonight. I made a pan of Christmas Fudge and an apple crisp. I know I know, it's horrible for my diet and all, but hey....it's cold outside and I'm stressed out. Final exams are 2 weeks from Monday and I find out on Friday if I'm even going to pass my spanish class this semester. If I'm not going to pass, then I won't be getting my bachelor of arts degree and will have to settle for a bachelor of science, plus rework my class plan for my last semester. Should be fun.

Speaking of fun, I ran into my old boss at the vet clinic today. If you remember, she's the one who played the mind games with all of her staff and beat around the bush with me when I flat out asked her if I had a job or not. And then after she finally told me that yes, I did have a job, she 'forgot' to put me on the schedule. So she informed me today that she was working on the schedule for next semester and that she would let me know what days I would be working. I 'reminded' her that I didn't work for her anymore and found a better job that I love. She didn't take to kindly to that, but whatever. After that whole thing, I came home and called the assistant director at the center where I used to work and reiterated to her that I DO NOT WORK FOR THEM ANYMORE. So we chit chatted and she completely understands where I'm coming from because I'm the 2nd person she's done this to. So hopefully I won't be getting a phone call the 1st week of next semester asking me why I'm not at work--even though I haven't worked there since July.

I guess that's about it. My teeth are finally feeling better. The abcesses drained, which was absolutely gross, but they feel better. I'm working on eating solid food again, since it's been awhile, but I'm getting there. Have a great week!


Blogger Judy said...

Glad little Ani is going to be okay. And that you are doing better too!

What a freak of a boss...some people...

12:39 AM


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