Sunday, March 04, 2007

Not Going to CA

So I'm not in CA, like I'm supposed to be. I got on the plane and had a full blown panic attack. For those of you who don't know what that is like, it's basically the fight or flight response in overdrive. You hyperventilate, get light headed, break into a cold sweat, start shaking, your heart beats a milke a minute, and your body empties itself of anything it can in any way possible. Yeah, it's not a very pretty picture. So I had to get off the plane.

I've pretty much been crying to 2 days. I just want to be normal, is that so much to ask?


Blogger Judy said...

Oh Jen. I'm so sorry.

I am a little freakish to fly, but not enough to keep me from doing it if I HAVE to - last time I was on an airplane was in June 2001.

HOpefully the weather will warm up and your spirits will lift!

2:03 PM

Blogger Tamara said...

I am so sorry Jen! I have no idea how you feel, other than I HATE flying...I will be praying you can find a "cure" for your fear. It is not fun to have a fear that overtakes you. I can only relate by explaining my insane anxiety with my friends...I start freaking and can't handle anything that goes on...I think they are all talking about me. I seriously ended up on medication...because that was all I could do to make myself feel like a human again. I am not sure if that is even something that would help, but it might be worth talking to someone about...that is so hard, I am sorry girl!!! Sending prayers and hugs!!

10:22 PM

Blogger k8 said...

i used to have massive panic attacks too so i know how you feel

11:06 PM


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