Sunday, February 10, 2008


So I talked to my former summer boss the other day. Turns out she quit her job for some reason-(actually I know the reason but it's quite erm, stupid)-and that's why she doesn't need me anymore. We chatted for awhile and all was going well until she told me this:

"I'll call you if it changes and it turns out we actually need you."

Okay, at that point, I snapped. I spent the week finding somewhere to live this summer, finding a job, and basically freaking out about being homeless/jobless for 3 months. I did find a place to live-(K-Zoo with my Aunt)-and a job-(friend of my Aunt's who runs a home daycare)-and had everything in place. I told my former summer boss this by saying:

"Well I already have another job for the summer so you're going to have to find someone else if you need childcare this summer."

At which point she got mad at ME. Can you believe that? She got ticked at ME because I wasn't available "if the situation changes." She asked me what she was supposed to do if she goes back to work. I told her to put her kids in daycare. She told me that it was too expensive. So I told her that she shouldn't have fired me by e-mail. Then she told me to go to hell and hung up on me. Nice huh?

Oh well, such is life I guess.

On another note, I'm looking at buying a new laptop. Mine is about to kick the bucket. Any recommendations?


Blogger Judy said...

DO NOT (repeat three times) get a Dell. Good computer, cruddy customer service. My parents had to report them to the BBB before anyone genuinely listened to them. Check them out with your local BBB, and check the Austin, Texas BBB (since that's presumably where they are...well, the building's there, but the call-takers certainly aren't).

I have an HP Entertainment pavillion. I love it, but I don't know that much about if it is the best or anything like that. It was the best deal when I was looking (and omitting the Dells).

As for the babysitting, at least you got an answer. And, phooey on her for being so selfish. You need the job. If she isn't going to guarantee it, then you definitely need to find somewhere that will be able to hire you. Good for you for finding and lining up something so quickly!

1:13 PM

Blogger Tamara said...

MACBOOK MACBOOK MACBOOK!!! There is no other way to go!!!!!! I cannot tell you how much I love this thing and it is sooo durable...I've dropped it and so has my oldest (yes, I believe you would be able to take beter care of yours) is stillw orking perfectly!!! LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT!

Oh and I think you were MORE THAN KIND to that lady...she needs a swift kick and a life prioritizer!! What a woman she is!!

4:16 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

WHOA! With bosses like that, who needs... well... bosses?! Like you're just supposed to hang around and "be available"? I feel sorry for the kid.

Hey, I'm looking at getting a new computer too. I guess no matter what we get, it'll be obsolete in a couple of years anyway!

5:32 PM


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