Monday, April 13, 2009

Yep, It's Monday

We had 4 new kids start today.

Kid #1 was fine after the first 5 minutes. Had a great day and seemed to really enjoy it.

Kid #2 was distraught all day because his mom forgot his security toy at home. He pretty much spent most of the day on the floor because he kept throwing himself down there, kicking and screaming.

Kid #3 was not happy about being there. He cried on and off all day.

Kid #4 was a holy terror. He's a hair puller, biter, kicker, hitter, and spitter.

On top of the 4 new kids who started today, a new aide started in my room today. She's never worked in a daycare and by 9am, she was completely overwhelmed. By overwhelmed I mean sitting at the table, not talking to anybody, not interacting with any children because, in her words "There's too many kids who need something."

And the finale of the of my 3 year olds was running up the steps to the slide outside when she tripped, hit her chin, and bit clear through her bottom lip. Lots of blood, crying, and 4 stitches later, she's sporting a big fat lip that prohibited her from eating much of anything today.


Blogger Judy said...

Ouch. Mondays are no bueno around there, I guess! HOpe today went a little better (although, from experience, the second day of THE ROUTINE is always worse than the first - the kids know what is happening and freak out more!).

4:15 PM

Blogger Bone said...

when she tripped, hit her chin, and bit clear through her bottom lip. Lots of blood, crying, and 4 stitches later...

My nephew's never going to do anything like that, is he? :)

12:12 PM


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