Monday, February 11, 2008

Taking Her Sweet Time

So I now have a 6 year old dawdler/lallygagger. 3 times today I asked her to get ready to go and she went and did something else first. By something else I don't mean put away her toys/art supplies, go to the bathroom, etc. I mean something entirely different. Like, playing with the dog, changing her clothes, getting a book and sitting down to read it. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

I always give her reminder 5 minutes before she has to get ready. It always worked in the past. Not so much anymore. So now I turn to you, my few faithful readers. Any tips, tricks, threats, etc. that have worked for you with your precious dawdlers? I need all the help I can get right now. This is new territory to me.


Blogger Judy said...

Wish I could help, but I have much the same thing here. I've done away with the 5 minute reminder and have moved to a 1 minute, now do it system. A little better, but not much.

7:26 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Teach the kid to tell time. (Get a digital clock if the analog is too tricky). Give her a 10 minute warning and tell her what time you need to leave. Precisely at that time, pick her up and put her in the car whether she has what she needs or not.

This shows her you are serious while giving her more autonomy over managing her time instead of less.

This works really well with older kids - instead of telling them to stop what they are doing and do chores right now, give them a deadline. It teaches time management early.

11:28 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh, PS: way to stand up for yourself to your former boss. You let yourself get pushed around far too often, it is time you stopped letting her walk all over you. Nice work!

11:29 PM

Blogger ~ Lindy ~ said...

If the child is messing up the schedule and the routine of the family, etc. she needs to learn the consequences of 'poking' around. Take the toy or whatever she's playing with, leave without her sometime (if there is someone else nearby to watch her), turn off her TV or take a priviledge away from her. Surprisingly, something 'strict' like this only has to happen once (maybe twice if it's been awhile) but a child will remember and do the RIGHT thing (follow the instructions) if there is a negative consequence....and you stick to your guns! (been there, done that....I raised three kids (not so successfully) and now am a nanny of three and having MUCH success) ENJOY what you do! Lindy

9:09 PM


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