Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Stretched too Thin

About 1/2 way through each semester I feel like I'm stretched too thin. Maybe it's cause I take on too much, or maybe I just don't have a good way to relax. Either day, I'm hitting that "stretched" point a bit early this semester. The run down of my life:

Work: 2 official babysitting jobs, and many unofficial babysitting jobs.

Official Job 1: 20.5 hours a week with a 6 year old. The general schedule is pick her up from school, take her home, give her a snack, take the dog for a walk, practice her spelling words, do a math worksheet, play, feed her dinner, give her a bath, give her a snack, then mom gets home.

Official Job 2: 4 hours a week with a 10 month old. Pretty easy schedule with her. Nap, food, play.

Unofficial jobs: 3 year old, 5 year old, 3 month old, 8 year old, 6 year old, and 2 year old.

School: I spend 8 hrs a week in actual class. 8 hrs a week outside of class for Senior Research, and roughly 4 hrs. a week on other homework. Total = 20 hrs a week.

Chauffer: A lady who lives around the corner from me has 2 boys who go to the same school as my Charge. I give her a ride up to the school each day because her van is broken and it's too far to walk.

Painting: I'm painting a picture for my friend's birthday in May.

Cross-stitching: I'm cross-stitching a hanging for my mom's birthday in 2 weeks.

Laundry: I spend about 3 hrs. a week-(and $15) at the laundromat doing my laundry.

Cleaning: I try to pick up every day and spend about 4 hrs. on Sunday thoroughly cleaning my house.

Shopping: I hate doing this. Which is why I only spend about 1.5 hrs a week shopping for food and necessities.

Other: Bills, talking to people, e-mailing, chatting, just general everyday stuff.

Now that I look at it, it doesn't seem like too much. I just feel overwhelmed and stressed out all the time!


Blogger Judy said...

Jen, it is so easy to feel this way. And if you are like me, it is difficult to impossible to find a place to cut back. (((HUGS))) It looks like a couple of these are short-term...look at it that way!

7:10 AM

Blogger The Library Lady said...

Jen, just looking at your schedule makes me tired--and you know that MY schedule's a trifle full :)

10:30 AM


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