Saturday, January 06, 2007


As soon as I have everything in order, somebody has to go and throw a wrench in it. When I left on Christmas break I had 1 offer to continue my current job. It's 16 hours a week. That was the only job offer I had--obviously I said yes. The key word in that sentence is "was." Now I have 3 more. Here's the break down:

Job offer #1: My former boss asked me to come back to the center that I worked at last year. The one where the boss "forgot" to put me on the schedule. It's minimum wage, which would be nice, but it's only 9 hours a week. Plus I'm not a yo-yo. I don't just come back whenever somebody needs me. Plus, it's not like I'm hurting for jobs right now.

Job offer #2: For a good friend of mine. It would be 20 hours a week, mornings only, 1 infant, and state paid. Would love to do it, but being state paid sucks. You wait forever for your checks when you go through DHS.

Job offer #3: For one of my advisors. It wouldn't start until June so I put this one on hold for now because I have no idea what I'm going to be doing in June. The upside is that I would get paid more because he's a professor. No idea about the hours for this one.

Add to this chaos the fact that I currently do occasional in home care for 4 other families right now and I gave my number to a 5th one today.

Sooooo....that's my New Year. How's yours?


Blogger Judy said...

Okay, offer #1 - no way. Not worth the trouble.

Offer #3 - definitely put on the wait list for June - you are right - if the pay is good and the hours are good, it might possibly be something you are interested in by then.

Offer #2 - more sticky of an issue. Here's what I think, though. I'd stick with what you have if you are okay financially. You are going to have to weigh in the time that it will take to be paid, which could be a hinderance in the beginning if you took Offer #2. Even if it is a friend, I don't think that would be a reason to ditch what you have going on right now, you know? Maybe you can help your friend find someone if you can't do it yourself. Is it an either/or situation? You can do one OR the other? Not an "and"? Just wondering.

Good luck - it is a good-stress feeling to be wanted by so many (better to have that than no job at all!).

1:20 PM


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