Tuesday, February 26, 2008

To Do

I hate having a bunch of stuff to do. I hate it even more when my list is crazy long and it just keeps getting longer. So, in an effort to actually get something done today...I'm going to post my to do list on my blog this morning and then come back later tonight and write about what I've done. Something about accountability is crossing my mind today. So, without further procrastination, here is my lovely to do list for Tuesday:


Clean the living room

Clean the bathroom

Go to the bank to cash 2 checks and get $20 worth of quarters so that I can do laundry

Go to the laundromat and do laundry

Clean my bedroom

Do the dishes

Clean the kitchen

Take out the garbage

Clean the rabbit cage

Dry the Valentine's Day flowers

Change the sheets on the bed

Create a webpage for a class assignment

Outline a grant for grantwriting class

Create 2 graphs for use in my experiment

Put finishing touches on experiment

Go to work

Eat something decent at least once today

Go grocery shopping because there's not much food in the house

Organize the living room a bit better

Okay, wish me luck. I might even post pictures of my progress. We'll see if I can find batteries for the camera....I think they're somewhere in the living room. Hmmm...


Blogger Judy said...

Hope you are being productive today! YAY!

3:07 PM


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